Greenway South: Blowing Springs to Kessler FKT Attempt (Certification Pending)
Michael Hall had been trying to get me (or anyone, really) to run this route from Blowing Springs to Kessler for a long time, perhaps more than a year. Due to life circumstances and having to withdraw from ABF (again!!!!), now seemed like as good a time as any to try it. I had no set day; I just watched the weather forecasts to look for a good opportunity. Even though I did 18 miles of hill repeats Saturday, the forecast for Tuesday, Dec. 22 seemed as close to ideal as I could get, so I decided to go for it, sans taper. Preparing After deliberation, I decided I would do it unsupported (meaning I had to carry everything I needed with me), though I did take a credit card in case of emergency. I carried three bottles of water: two handhelds and a soft flask that I could wear in my vest. Two of those bottles had Electroride from Spring Energy. For nutrition, I took Spring Energy "gels". I ended up using two Speednut (w/ caffeine) , two Speednut (w/o caffeine) , two Long Haul , a...