Arkansas Traveller 100 (2019/10/5) (My Hundo Debut!)
This was my 100-mile debut. I had what I thought were ambitious but obtainable goals. Namely, finishing under 20 hours. But I was going to be happy with 22. I didn't know how ambitious to be. I mean, I'd never run 100 miles before. Was it better to be cautious? Hopefully optimistic? I arrived Friday afternoon for weigh in and to pick up race materials. After the pre-race meeting, with the excellent advice, "Don't be a dumbass!" (too late), I met NWA friends (Cassie, Lisa, Lauren, Mark, and Josiah) for dinner and headed back to my hotel to shower, prep, and sleep. (Photographer: Cassie Brown ) The race started off well enough. It was dark and cool, paved and downhill. I was moving a bit faster than I had planned, but friends (past AT finishers) told me that I should try to position myself toward the front before arriving at the single track, so I wasn't too concerned. Eventually we moved off the pavement and onto a dirt road: much more my style. ...